
349 DANEMARK Numeral Cancellations European Philat.N°8 1983
447 DANEMARK The Inland Mail 1871-1924 Mogens JUHL 1990
326 DODECANESE et GOLFE PERSIQUE Présence anglaise 1938-52 Collect.J.MEROT 1988
 38 GIBRALTAR ROBSON LOWE Encycl. Vol l/2, (Reéd.BlLLIG Vol 35) ROB. LOWE 1969
436 GIBRALTAR From Gibraltar to Spain, 1850-1875 R.RICHARSON 1990
 49 GIBRALTAR Posted in Gibraltar W.HINE & HAYCOCK 1975
 49-a GIBRALTAR Posted in Gibraltar - Suppl. 1983 W.HINE & HAYCOCK 1983
132 GIBRALTAR Gibraltar Story RODRIGUEZ 1969
104 HELIGDLAND Les Timbres de Heligoland A.WULBERN 1911
218 HELlGOLAND Reprints J.BAREFOOT 1984
350 NORWAY Number One, the 4 SKr Lion of 1855 V.TUFF (European Phil N°13) 1983