Antilles et Amérique Centrale

 75 CENTRAL AMERICA Brit.Postal Agencies in …, Encycl. Vol V ROB.LOWE 1973
477 Brit.GUYANA Stamps & Postal History Brit.Carib.St.Circ. 1990
418 LEEWARDS Encycl.Vol VI (Antig,Dom,Montser,Kitt-Nevis,Virg,Leewards) ROB.LOWE 1990
 62 BAHAMAS Islands,History & Catalogue 1802-1967 LUDINGT0N & RAYMOND 1968
207 BAHAMAS Postage Stamps & Postal History H.G.GISBURN 1950
 79 BARBADOS Barbados BACON & NAPIER 1896
485 BARBADOS The STAMPS of Barbados E.A.BAYLEY 1989
100 BARBADOS Post Office Markings to 1981 CLARKE ,RADFORD & CAVE 1982
208 CAYMAN Postal History, Stamps & Postmarks E.AGUILAN & P.SAUNDERS 1962
383 CAYMAN Postal History T.E.GIRALDI & P.Mc CAM 1989
495 DOMINIQUE Stamps, Postal Stationeries & Postal History to 1935 E.V.TOEG 1994
250 GUYANE Premières Emissions 1850-1902 Georges BRUNEL 1931
328 GUYANE Emissions George VI 1938-54 Kg.G VI Collect.Soc. 1972
 75 HONDURAS Encycl. Vol V ROB.LOWE 1973
4O6 HONDURAS The Town Cancels of British 1880-1973 Edw.F.ADDIS Br.Carib.Phil.S.C. 1990
 63 JAMAICA The Postal History 1662-1860 Th.FOSTER 1968
216 JAMAIQUE Timbres de G.B. "Used Abroad" de 1858 à 1860 F.PIAT 1985
252 JAMAICA Philatelic Handbook, Volume 2 E.F.AGUILAR ?
330 LEEWARD 1897 Sexagenary Ovpt and its Forgeries J.A.C.FARMER 1988
280 ST KITTS NEVIS King George VI Key-Types Stamps 1938-50 P.BALDWlN 1986
 68-1 STE LUCIA The Ste Lucia Philatelist Ste Lucia Phil.Soc. 1949
 68-2 STE LUCIA The Ste Lucia Philatelist Ste Lucia Phil.Soc. 1950
 68-3 STE LUCIA The Ste Lucia Philatelist Ste Lucia Phil.Soc. 1952
320 TURKS & CAICOS ISL. Etude jusqu'en 1950 J.CHALLIS 1983
240 WEST INDIES History of the Sailing Packets L.E.BRITNOR 1973